Comedian turned host Bharti Singh is back again to host the new season of India’s Got Talent (Fremantle India) and speaking about her journey in the show, she got all chatty with us.
When we quizzed her about her feelings about hosting a show again, Miss Funny Bones replied in her own antics. “Honestly speaking more than hosting the show, I did acting, dancing, performing certain roles and spoofs, and what not. But along with that I had my fair share of fun too.”
“I can recall one incident where I was doing a Gabbar act, but unfortunately while performing it I accidently hit my own leg with the belt and the first thing I did was to utter a curse in Punjabi. And that led to one embarrassing yet hilarious situation,” added Bharti.
But the lady also had some emotional moments too and speaking about the same, Bharti commented, “There were some emotional moments for me in the show. I felt very compassionate when I saw the contestants performing. They are doing so much of hard work to prove their potentials. Even the judges got very emotional at times, especially Kirron (Kher) ma’am.”
Recently another stand-up comedian got into a controversy after imitating a legendary singer, so when we asked her about her take on the matter, she replied, “Thankfully I have never got involved into any big controversies till date. But, one thing others have to understand that we as comedians never intend to hurt anyone. Sole purpose of our performance is to provide entertainment to our viewers, hence, we cannot even think of doing something which will hurt others.”
We hope Bharti that your message gets conveyed to the viewers and others and hopefully they start taking up mimicry as a light form of entertainment from next time.
And as for your upcoming show, we wish you all the best.