The good looking and popular actor Aniruddh Dave is entertaining the audience with his stint as a Robot on SAB TV’s show Y.A.R.O Ka Tashan but the actor is having a tough time shooting for his show these days.
Aniruddh is suffering from Chikungunya and he has resumed shooting after a break of few days but the after-effects of the disease are not letting him shoot smoothly. We spoke to Aniruddh to know more about his ill-health and about the difficulties of shooting despite being unwell.
When we contacted Anirrudh, he told us, “I was on leave from my shoot for 7 days. We had a bank of episodes and the creative team managed rest of the things. I am back on sets after 7 days and gave my close ups. I am still taking precautions but the scenario is that I am suffering from Chikungunya and it never gets detected in some reports. It was not mentioned in my reports that I am suffering from Chikungunya.”
“This disease is not that dangerous than its after effects because I am have a lot of joint pain right now. I am limping and I have lumps in my foot and hands,” added Annirudh.
We wish you a speedy recovery Anirrudh.