MUMBAI: Siddharth Kumar Tewary’s historical mega series Porus recently seamlessly translated to its extension, now Chandragupta Maurya retaining some of its powerhouse actors. The show revolves around the life journey of the founder of the Maurya empire, orphaned & abandoned Chandragupta Maurya. The show gradually takes us to the time where Chandragupta is trained under Chanakya , that the history has recorded to be of prime importance. It will progress towards the training that will help Chandragupta become the future king of United India and help him tactfully deal with Dhananand. The show introduced its second villain last week, Seleucus Nicator posing more threat to Chandragupta. The upcoming track will be an eye-opener for Chandragupta and audience alike. A source close to the show shares the development, ‘Chandragupta is set out on a journey to Piplivan Kingdom, as he explores through the ruins, he has to face bears, snakes & fight them. In the process, with the help of Chanakya, he finds out about his past that he is the real prince of Piplivan & Moora is his mother. Chandragupta finally learns that King Dhananand is his enemy. This week will be a time of revelation for the young Chandragupta who will further under the training of Chanakya will walk the path less traveled.">Chandragupta_0.jpg

MUMBAI: Siddharth Kumar Tewary’s historical mega series Porus recently seamlessly translated to its extension, now Chandragupta Maurya retaining some of its powerhouse actors. The show revolves around the life journey of the founder of the Maurya empire, orphaned & abandoned Chandragupta Maurya. The show gradually takes us to the time where Chandragupta is trained under Chanakya , that the history has recorded to be of prime importance. It will progress towards the training that will help Chandragupta become the future king of United India and help him tactfully deal with Dhananand. The show introduced its second villain last week, Seleucus Nicator posing more threat to Chandragupta. The upcoming track will be an eye-opener for Chandragupta and audience alike. A source close to the show shares the development, ‘Chandragupta is set out on a journey to Piplivan Kingdom, as he explores through the ruins, he has to face bears, snakes & fight them. In the process, with the help of Chanakya, he finds out about his past that he is the real prince of Piplivan & Moora is his mother. Chandragupta finally learns that King Dhananand is his enemy. This week will be a time of revelation for the young Chandragupta who will further under the training of Chanakya will walk the path less traveled.">Chandragupta to fight bear and snakes in his quest to find his past! MUMBAI: Siddharth Kumar Tewary’s historical mega series Porus recently seamlessly translated to its extension, now Chandragupta Maurya retaining some of its powerhouse actors. The show revolves around the life journey of the founder of the Maurya empire, orphaned & abandoned Chandragupta Maurya. The show gradually takes us to the time where Chandragupta is trained under Chanakya , that the history has recorded to be of prime importance. It will progress towards the training that will help Chandragupta become the future king of United India and help him tactfully deal with Dhananand. The show introduced its second villain last week, Seleucus Nicator posing more threat to Chandragupta. The upcoming track will be an eye-opener for Chandragupta and audience alike. A source close to the show shares the development, ‘Chandragupta is set out on a journey to Piplivan Kingdom, as he explores through the ruins, he has to face bears, snakes & fight them. In the process, with the help of Chanakya, he finds out about his past that he is the real prince of Piplivan & Moora is his mother. Chandragupta finally learns that King Dhananand is his enemy. This week will be a time of revelation for the young Chandragupta who will further under the training of Chanakya will walk the path less traveled.

MUMBAI: Siddharth Kumar Tewary’s historical mega series Porus recently seamlessly translated to its extension, now Chandragupta Maurya retaining some of …