It’s time for the lovebirds to part ways in Colors’ Ishq Ka Ra Safed (FilmFarm).
Trying to guess what new evil plan Dasrath (Arun Bakshi) has in his mind to separate Viplav (Mishal Raheja) and Dhani (Eisha Singh)?
Here we are, to give you a sneak peek of the upcoming track.
What we hear from a source is, “In order to keep Dhani away from Viplav, he will fix Dhani’s marriage with his illegitimate son Tripurari (Dakssh Ajit Singh). Though Durga, Tripurari’s mother, will be reluctant about the match, as Dhani is a widow, Dashrath will finally convince her for their wedding”.
So, what do you think readers will Tripurari give a positive nod to this fix? And how will Viplav stop this marriage?
Uhu, we will not spill the beans here. Keep an eye on this space to know more about the coming track.
Dakssh confirmed the development.