With the entry of the dashing Zubair (Mayank Gandhi), things have taken a U-turn as Virat (Vikram Singh Chauhan) and Avanti (Sana Amin Sheikh) are now forced to work together as a team on Channel V’s Million Dollar Girl (Beyond Dreams Productions).
As seen so far, the trio has been trying hard to increase their sales of their Banarsi sarees and came up with an innovative idea of an e-commerce website. But with the city yet to take notice of the world of internet, the team has been left in a crisis. On the other hand, Avanti feels that selling sarees is in her blood and is against the website idea.
Shares a source, “Zubair will finally get the website approved and give a task to Avanti and Virat to use technology and skills together to make the best of selling revenues.”
Soon, Virat and Avanti will be seen trying their best, keeping their differences aside to help build a successful portal. But forgoing the deadline by Zubair, the two will be quarreling and fighting, leading to loss of work.
Will the two manage to work together? Will Zubair find out about their fights?
We tried reaching Sana but she kept busy shooting.