A ‘jealous’ Adhiraj to throw Virat out of the house in Jeet Gayi Toh Piya More

Mumbai: Zee TV show Jeet Gayi Toh Piya More (Jay Production) has an interesting line up of sequences in store for the fans of Adhiraj (Krip Kapur Suri) and Devi (Yesha Rughani).

Virat’s entry into Devi’s life has stirred up the drama a notch higher. Maasa, in order to create a turbulence in Adhiraj and Devi’s life, will once again conspire something which will make Adhiraj doubt Virat and Devi’s friendship.

It will so happen that Devi will be cooking in the kitchen when Virat will enter and in the middle of a fun conversation, he will start teasing her. A playful Virat will then throw flour on Devi and while the two engage in the ‘flour holi’, Maasa will notice them. Careful to not get noticed, she will spill oil on the floor and the two will obviously slip.

Adhiraj will spot the two tumbling over each other and assuming that Virat and Devi might have a thing for each other, will feel jealous. Adhiraj will pull Virat by his collar and will show him the door.

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