It’s not every day that we come across a daily soap that’s intelligent, quirky and relevant. So we were pleasantly surprised when Sony Entertainment Television’s latest daily Muh Boli Shaadi (Shashi Sumeet) kicked off recently. Here’s a quick review of the show…take a look:
Bollywood-esque Opening Sequence:
We haven’t seen an as polished opening sequence on the small screen as Muh Boli Shaadi’s. It comes as a welcome change since we are used to over-the-top opening scenes with the hero and hero looking at each other, while the camera slowly pans in and out of the screen. The intro episode had the protagonists meeting each other amidst an accident, without any of the flowery wind-swept hair movements. There was just the right amount of romance in the scene. It’s one of the reasons we are rooting for this show. Let’s hope the makers don’t disappoint us in the future episodes.
Production Value:
There’s no doubt that the production value of daily soaps has gone up by multi-folds. The sets look grander, the costumes look prettier and the cars and houses are bigger. Our shows used to be more about plots and less about the appeal, it’s changed over the years to suit the sensibilities of the younger generation. The same applies to this show as well. Keeping up with the middle class values of the main characters, the girl has been shown driving a Beat, while the boy zips across the road on his bike. It’s a typical setting that’s found in many parts of India. The houses are also more realistic and relatable than most other shows where even a jobless person stays in a sprawling bungalow. Even the clothes of the cast is kept in tandem with the concept…kudos to the makers for this. Don’t you think?
Technical Soundness:
The dialogues are well written as they reflect the current society. From the body language of the characters to the transition of one scene into the next, a lot of effort has gone into bringing finesse and elegance to the show. Even the make-up and hair department needs to take a bow as they have done a great job on the cast. Nobody looks dramatic or out-of-place, thanks to the strong research that’s been put into. Youthful shows can sometimes come across as trivial, but Muh Boli Shaadi infuses the right amount of zest and zing to make the show peppy and lively, and not kiddish. The direction is also bang-on as it captures the daily struggles of a middle class family in its entirety, without patronising the audiences. That’s a rare feat to achieve on the small screen.
Trendsetter Show:
It’s already been seen that Anmol’s (Zalak Desai) clothes are going to be a rage with the girls because of her colourful clothes, casual jewellery and breezy, air-kissed hair. It’s rare for TV shows to up the fashion quotient, but this Sony product can definitely revolutionise that. Even Nikhil’s (Fawad Ali) no-nonsense dressing and hairstyle are creating quite a ruckus among the girls. The show is just two days old, mind you! Burst of colours that Anmol brings to the screen is a direct reflection of her vibrant, chirpy personality, while Nikhil’s (Fahad Ali) sober clothes tell us about his calm, practical and simple character. Will the two swap personalities in the future? Well, that’s what we are dying to see…
Did you watch the first two episodes and liked it? Or do you feel that the fresh love story could have been handled better? Whatever your thoughts, shout to us in the comment section below…